Perhaps the most annoying southern transplant since the days of carpetbaggers or the introduction of Kudzu, the South American imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), that tiny little critter with an unforgettable sting, is difficult to control and seemingly impossible to eradicate as its scientific name invicta (meaning "the unconquered one") indicates.
Some time ago a visitor took note of all the ant hills that had emerged in our lawn following a day or two of rain showers, and he assured me that he had a sure-fire solution. Knowing that eliminating the colony's queen is essential to wiping out the whole gang, I inquired whether his remedy could do so. "Sure," he enthusiastically replied.
"Buy you a can of snuff and sprinkle the snuff on top of the mound," he instructed. "The worker ants will take it back to the old lady and when she comes up to spit . . . you step on her!"
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